Wednesday 30 October 2013

Fitness Blog Post

What if... Why wouldn't you exercise?

Create a MindMeister on the benefits of physical activity: Physical, Social, Phychological.
Here is an example of the 'start' of a MindMeister.

Physical Fitness
You have the energy and strength to participate in a variety of activities.

Components of Physical Fitness
Cardiorespiratory fitness - (km run)
Cardiorespiratory fitness means that your heart, blood vessels and lungs are able to distribute nutrients and oxygen and remove waste during prolonged exercise. Regular exercise improves cardiorespiratory endurance.

Flexibility - (sit and reach)
The ability to move a joint through its entire range of motion. This means you can bend, stretch and twist your body easily.

Muscular strength - (sit up)
The ability of a muscle to produce force is called muscular strength. Developing muscular strength requires exerting your muscular strength for short periods of time.

Muscular strength - (push up)
The ability of a muscle to produce force is called muscular strength. Developing muscular strength requires exerting your muscular strength for short periods of time.

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