Monday 21 October 2013

Floor Hockey

Movement pattern for Floor Hockey "Sending and Receiving"


One of the most essential forehand passes you can learn in field hockey is the push. A push is the best pass to use for short distances because it allows for the most control over the ball, thus more accuracy. The stick stays in contact with the ball until it is released for the pass. This is different from other passes because there is no backswing, making it harder to defend against since the ball is never left unprotected.

  1. When setting up to push the ball, position your hands in the basic grip. Your right hand should be midway down the handle and your left hand should be at the top of the stick. (Right handers)
  2. Your body should be perpendicular to your target. That is, your left side should be facing the target.
  3. Place the ball to the right of your body, in line with your back foot.
  4. Bend your knees and keep low.
  5. Shift your weight from your back foot to your front foot as you push the ball forward and across your body.
    • You can step or stay stationary for the hit, just make sure your left foot is open, pointed towards the target.
  6. As you are pushing your stick forward, rotate your hips to produce power. Once you have released the ball, your hips (and stick’s face) should be facing your target.
    • The power in this pass comes from your core and the shift of your weight from your back foot to your front. So, rotate your hips hard and really put your weight into the pass.
  7. Keep the stick on the ball for as long as possible and follow through by continuing the swing after the ball has been released (just don’t bring it higher than waist-height).
  8. After having released the ball, make sure that the tip of the stick is pointing at the target.

Push the ball when you want to make a quick pass over a short distance. Because the push pass is hard to defend against, quick pushes around the defense in the shooting circle will give your team more shooting opportunities.

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