Tuesday 13 May 2014

Running Technique

Mike Antonlades is the founder of sports dimensions and the running school.

Running is a life long skill that can be taught and improved.
Our bodies learn through movements and if we practice the correct movements the body learns the correct movements.

The idea is to help you:
  • Move better
  • Run better
  • Run faster
"There is no such thing as perfect technique! But there is perfect technique for you" Mike Antonlades

When running we want to focus on:
  • Cycling the legs through
  • Land with legs under our centre of gravity
  • Light feet
  • Arms 90-100 degrees
  • Arms to chin and pocket or "chip to hip"

Remember to practice this in your own time!

Watch the running form of olympic runners 800m.

How do you find the new running technique?

I have ordered these mats for next year to use in PE and health class.

Published on Dec 3, 2013
DMS is a movement and agility training system that is suitable for use in Schools, Sports Clubs and Fitness Centres. It is suitable for all ages and all abilities and has been used to great success in The Running School centres over recent years.
On the DMS Rehabilitation, Mike has developed a "Movement Re-Patterning"
Protocol that stimulates the Muscular System and the Nervous system, through functional movement to change or improve functional Movements in people with dysfunction. We have used it for people who have had a stroke, Cerebral Palsy and Kids with Dyspraxia and autism.
The "DMS Movement Re-patterning" is also used with people in knee and ankle and hip rehabilitation, in conjunction with the robowalk and walking forwards and backwards.
DMS has become a very important key element of the SpeedLab Education and Training Concept distributed globally by h/p/cosmos.
Thank you very much Mike for your excellent performance!

1 comment:

  1. I love how all the runner all started off in their own pace and as they got into the last lap, they ran really hard and their best. I like how the runner without the shoe kept going on even though he could have lost.
