Wednesday 4 March 2015

Google Chrome and Search

Thanks Patrick and Heather for a great first day of new learning.

I had many takeaways from our first Google session.
I have already used site:edu and filetype: to search information on my up and coming ‘Puberty” unit!
I found good resources ;-D
I enjoyed taking the time to explore advanced Google search. This is helpful and is such a time saver.
My question is how can we be sure all 6th graders are taught these useful tricks?
When I see them researching in health class I rarely see them in advanced option. (Of course I will share some tips with them in our next nutrition lesson and may find out they know it all already?)

Heather I found some useful videos on the “Heath Care Triage’ and ‘Stuff Mum Never Told You’ and got the scientific answer to “The science of that dress” on the “Scishow’

Ok I’m off to Google search flights to New Zealand...

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