Tuesday, 19 May 2015

PE / Health Reflection

PE / Health End of Year Reflection - 6th Grade

Go to your PE drop box. Complete these questions then copy them to your blog and complete them in class. This will be the last summative assessment of the year so do your best work. Label your blog post “pe”

Take a photo of yourself or insert a photo of you taking part in a sport or activity.
Write  your favourite sports quote and tell who said it and what it means to you.
What does wellness mean to you?
What do you do on a daily basis to be well and healthy?
BRAIN BREAK: 20 Jumping Jacks
Rate your enjoyment of  PE? 1-5 (1=poor 5=awesome)
What are your favorite things about PE?
Rate your enjoyment of  Health? 1-5 (1=poor 5=awesome)
What are your favorite things about Health?
What would you change about the Health or PE program?
BRAIN BREAK: 1 minute of push-ups (or as many as you can do in 1 minute)
How physically active have you been this year on a weekly basis? Share as many of the sports, select teams, intramural sports or activities that you participated in this year in 6th grade. Include activities you do both in and out of school.

Finish this sentence. I am a good teammate because…
How have you shown leadership this year in PE? What qualities make you a good leader?
(If you have not taken the opportunity to lead this year what you could do to improve on this next year?)
What is your strongest area of physical fitness? (strength, flexibility, cardio respiratory endurance) Which area do you need to work on?

Why do you think being physically active is important?

BRAIN BREAK: One minute of sit-ups
Describe your strengths and weaknesses eating ‘MyPlate’ 3 meals a day.

What is your food goal? (Review your MyPlate blog post) Did you achieve your “food goal” or do you need to continue to work on it?

How stressed have you been this semester?
What two strategies work best for you to reduce stress?
BRAIN BREAK: Hold the hamstring stretch for 30 seconds x2
If you finish early and are proud of your work, you may watch the following videos with your ear buds in.

BRAIN BREAK: Run one lap of the track
Find your favourite videos which promote lifetime sports or activity or health living and add the link to the following Google Doc.

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