Sunday 9 February 2014


Instructions to embed the Google Presentation  
Publish to the web 
Start publishing 
Copy embed code 
Change code dimensions to height 360 width 720 

1. Write a sentence describing what the Google Presentation is about. 
2.  Heading: Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day? 
Write a paragraph or bullet points to back up the above statement. Include at least 6 facts or reasons.

3. Write a food goal. 
 Make it SMART = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely 
 Is there a food group you need more of? Are you skipping a meal? Do you need to cut down on certain foods? 
 Mrs Greaney's Goal: To make sure I have fruit at least twice a day. At breakfast and at snack time.

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