Sunday 21 September 2014

54321+8 Wellness Presentation & SMART Goal Rubric.

54321+8 Google Presentation Rubric   Name ___________________________

Peer assessors  1. ___________________________   2______________________________

Meeting Expectations
Working Towards
Slide Design

Slide design followed the 5-6 tips.
A simple themes was used
limited words per slide
One photo/image per slide
Photos from Creative Commons
Consistent fonts and colours
Limited transitions
Slide Design

Slide design followed the 3-4 tips.
A simple themes was used
limited words per slide
One photo/image per slide
Photos from Creative Commons
Consistent fonts and colours
Limited transitions

Slide Design

Slide design followed the 1-2 tips.
A simple themes was used
limited words per slide
One photo/image per slide
Photos from Creative Commons
Consistent fonts and colours
Limited transitions
Presentation contained ALL   of the  slides or more.
5 Fruit and vegetables x2
4 glasses of water x2
3 good laughs x2
2 hours or less screen time x2
1 hour of physical activity x2
8 hours of sleep x2
2 smart goals
Audience Feedback
Photo Credits
Presentation contained MOST of the slides.
5 Fruit and vegetables x2
4 glasses of water x2
3 good laughs x2
2 hours or less screen time x2
1 hour of physical activity x2
8 hours of sleep x2
2 smart goals
Audience Feedback
Photo Credits
Presentation contained SOME of the slides.
5 Fruit and vegetables x2
4 glasses of water x2
3 good laughs x2
2 hours or less screen time x2
1 hour of physical activity x2
8 hours of sleep x2
2 smart goals
Audience Feedback
Photo Credits
Relevant and interesting information showing some research was added to the presentation.
Information was gained from the 54321+8 video only.
Information was basic and not very informative.

Meeting Expectations
Approaching Expectations
S - Specific
The goal is clearly stated. The language / terminology clears states the goal and its relevance to wellness.
The goal is clearly stated but lacks descriptive language to inform the reader of what is going to be practiced. More detail is required to describe the goal clearly.
The goal is either not stated or too general for focused practice. The goal does not contain any descriptive language that relates to wellness.
M - Measurable
The goal can be easily assessed and evaluated by the student throughout the period of practice. Progress and achievement can be measured and described by the student.
The goal can be assessed and evaluated by the student, but it lacks some clarity. The goal is too general, making it difficult to measure progress or achievement.
The goal lacks structure for assessment and evaluation. Progress or achievement cannot be measured by the student or teacher.
A - Achievable
The goal is appropriate for the individual student but provides enough challenge for personal growth.
This goal is somewhat appropriate for the student but does not provide enough challenge for personal growth.
The goal is not appropriate for the individual student. The goal does not challenge the student or is too challenging for the student to achieve.
R - Relevant
The goal is realistic and directly relates to the wellness content of 5 4 3 2 1 + 8 from class. The goal may also provide further personal learning or understanding.
The goal is realistic but it is not clear how it is related to the class content. A clearer description is needed for how this goal specifically relates to 5 4 3 2 1 + 8.
The goal is not realistic and / or does not relate to class content.
T - Timely
The goal has a clear start and / or end date and clear guidelines for the student to follow and to keep challenged and accountable.
The goal does not clearly state a start or end date, or clear guidelines to keep the student challenged or accountable.
There is insufficient detail to keep the student challenged or accountable.

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