Sunday 14 September 2014

S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting


Understanding: Recognises the value of  practicing health-enhancing behaviors and demonstrates the ability to set goals to enhance lifelong wellness.

1. The student can promote health enhancing behaviors in their community.

2. The student can set a personal SMART goal to enhance lifelong wellness.


What you want to achieve and how you’ll do it
Not specific:  To exercise
Specific:  To become more active by getting involved in an intramural or rep sport team
Ask yourself:  What do I want to accomplish?  How will I do it?


How you’ll know when you’ve reached your goal
Not measurable:  To play sport
Measurable:  To join ultimate frisbee and lacrosse intramurals for a total of two hours a week
Ask yourself:  How much?  How often?


That your goal is possible
Not attainable:  To jog 5 miles in 30 minutes
Attainable:  To be physically active for 60 minutes, three times a week
Ask yourself:  Can I do this?


That your goal is appropriate for you
Not realistic:  To jog for 2 hours every day
Realistic:  To be physically active, three times a week (eg. after school sport)
Ask yourself:  Am I willing to work towards this goal?  Do I have the skills and resources I need?


When you plan to reach a goal
Not time-based:  To jog 5 times a week until I feel fit
Time-based:  To be physically active for 60 minutes, 3 times a week until October 31
Ask yourself:  When will I achieve this?

Other Examples

  • A good goal:  To eat healthier
  • A SMART goal:  I will eat at least two servings of fruit every day for the next month.
  • A good goal:  To get more sleep
  • A SMART goal:  I will go to bed by 8:30 pm every weeknight for the next two weeks.
  • A good goal:  To drink more water
  • A SMART goal:  I will have water with lunch, instead of my usual soda, every day this week.
  • A good goal:  To work out
  • A SMART goal:  I will go to the gym at least three times a week for the next month.  Each time, I will do at least 30 minutes on the elliptical or treadmill.

Goal-Setting Tips:

  • Pair Up!  Encourage a friend to set healthy goals, too.  Check in with each other to help stay motivated.
  • Write it down. Write your goal down and post it someplace you look often, like your bathroom mirror or refrigerator door.
  • Reward yourself.  Treat yourself for a job well done.  A little reward for progress can go a long way toward helping you achieve your goals.

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