Monday 17 November 2014

Throwing Cues
  1. Side to target

  1. Make sure the lead hand points at target, the body is sideways and the target is opposite  from the hand you throw with
  2. Bring your elbow high to the height of your shoulder
  3. Bring your hand back behind your head and elbow
  4. Step forward with the foot opposite from the hand you are using to throw
  5. Follow through at target
  6. Your hand should end up at your opposite pocket

The first video is from Lesson 1
The second video is from Lesson 3

Reflect on how well you are sending.

  1. Write two things you did well when throwing the ball?
  2. Write two things you could improve on when throwing the ball?
  3. Did you notice any improvement?
  4. How well did you apply your sending skills when playing Tchoukball?

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